Sunday, May 18, 2014

上海之旅 :第一站 - 杭州





当我们来到西湖时,已是人山人海,导游说,这人潮还不算多,如果是假日,整个苏提是人挤人,寸步难行。西湖需然是著名的旅游景点,但是,当地的政府并没有向到此的游客收费,西湖是免费开放给旅客和当地的人民游玩。因此,许多旅客,不论是国外或国内的旅客都很喜欢到此一游。当然,如果旅客想要程搭小船游西湖,那是要自己付钱的。在我们的行程里,游船是包括在内的。 一趟游湖大概是三十分钟。西湖的湖边,都种满了柳树,当风一吹,柳树的叶子就像在哪儿起舞。有些当地的旅客会包个小游船,然后让船夫把小船游到西湖的中央,停在哪儿,一边欣赏美丽的风景,一边喝茶,享受那悠闲的午后。在西湖游船时,我们看到三个石塔,导游说,那三个石塔是真个西湖最深的地方,也是当年苏轼亲手放进湖里的。




Friday, May 2, 2014

Rat Race Run 2014

Rat Race Run 2014, last minute registered to join the run. The day before the run, I'm thinking what to wear, this run not allowed us to wear sport attire. After filter my woredoor,  decided to wear my red dress and legging to suit my red sport shoes. 

The run start at 7pm, we gathered in front of mbks around 6.40pm. There are a lot people with their office wear, company uniform, society uniform and etc. Well, I think mostly are straight come over after working hour, same thing to me. There is a special group of uncle, wearing skirt with colorful wig. From the crowd, there are people wearing primary school uniform with school bag, engineer wearing the yellow helmet, doctor wearing white coat, chef with their apron and etc. From the attire, we can know that what are the occupation for that particular person, but we do not know that is their real life or just for this race run. People really give their commitment to make the event look interesting and successful, however there still some people come with sport wear.

Before the run start, the sky was full with dark clouds, as what we expected, raining really happened half way of the run. Gosh, this is my first experience to run under the heavy rain. The rain started when we reached Bukit Permata. It's really tough for me to run in heavy rain, as my vision became blur because of my spec, the road became slippy and side of the road full with catchment area. Really thanks to those committees who help us to control the traffic along the way from starting point to the finish line.

We reached the finished line around 7.50pm, 1 tin of beer and 1 small bottle of orange juice were given to us. Quickly we queue up to get the t-shirt and changed the wet clothes. 

Run in tbe rain not fun at all!

Before and after the run 

A walk in the rain